Resolutions are so 2019. More and more, I’ve noticed a shift towards intentionality and picking a focus word to challenge you to get your head out of thinking about what of your goals and how and more on the why.
Mindset Shift
Zeroing in on your why and your mindset will make your goals sticker when the going gets tough. For example, instead of focusing on subjective goals like “I want to exercise more” or “I’m going to spend less time on my phone”, I encourage you to dig deep on the source for those goals. When you figure out the why, the what will follow!
The Movement Behind the Mindset
The work will follow, it may not be immediate but as you focus on your mindset the activities will come. Try not to focus on the big goal and set smaller, more incremental goals for yourself. For example, if your goal for the year is to exercise more start day by day. Set an alarm at the time you want to workout
Since 2019 I’ve picked a word that I pray over and sets the intention for the year as a whole. Last year, my word was consistency. I wanted to to spend more time on building KandidlyKait, actually write more than once every few months and build community. I think I did that this year!
In 2023, my word is Faith. Everything I do will be an act of Faith and God’s purpose in my life, and those around me. Let me know your focus word in the comments! I can’t wait to see how we’ll grow together in this new year.
All my love and then some,
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